646f9e108c Arvid is a regular bank clerk, whose life changes radically when he knocks out the bank robber Franz with his squash racket. A few days later Franz&#39;s wife visits him lamenting that she needed the swag for an IVF. To obtain the money Arvid and his criminal brother Harald plan a thievery, which ends bloodily and drags them into real trouble. Two brothers, one cold and ruthless, the other sensitive and reluctant, and their brutal misadventures. The blurb: The movie is about a young bank assistant named Arvid, who through a series of big events in his life decides to shake up his routine completely by getting in touch with his criminal brother and doing things his way. Sounds good? Sure, it&#39;s a good story. The problem is, that the film loses focus in the last half, ignoring Arvid&#39;s build to criminality in favour of a lot of shooting by secondary characters. The movie pivots on a random, accidental action by the hero (won&#39;t say any more about that) and the consequences hereof are totally out of his control. I know it&#39;s supposed to signify that Arvid can&#39;t handle his own life and that it is spinning out of control, but it didn&#39;t really work for me. On top of all this is a lot of dialogue, that tries hard to be Tarantinoesque; a few stinger plot points, that try hard to be Tarantinoesque; and a plot and characters that try…well, guess. The thing is that the film lacks the slow, calm groove underlying a film like Reservoir Dogs. There&#39;s always a sense of direction and foreboding, even though the characters aren&#39;t aware of this. &#39;I Kina spiser de hunde&#39;, on the other hand, is all over the place, trading a consistent story with a lot of morbid-funny &#39;hey-a-lot-of-people-got-killed&#39;-type action.<br/><br/>All said and done, however, the film is still a good film, and worth seeing, if you&#39;re Danish or not. My gripe is that it&#39;s just a little too ambitious. In my opinion one of the greatest pulp movies ever. The only thing that hurts during the first time watching the film is the first 30 or 40 Minutes you&#39;ve got to survive (they are quite boring) but in the end and looked at ita whole, everything fits perfectly together and will reward your patience. The most important factor that raises the rating is that the film is from Denmark and differs quite a lot from American pulp movies, that means the characters outer appearance, mentality and the locations the different scenes take place in create an &#39;European&#39; atmosphere that in addition to a really cool and funny story gives this movie it&#39;s special and individual note. Watch it if you liked &#39;Snatch&#39; or &#39;Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels&#39; by Guy Ritchie.
Bracadthephenp Admin replied
337 weeks ago